The Greatest Cabernet Deal in Biagio History!!

Posted By: mr.b - 8:10 AM
This is the only the greatest deal on Napa Cabernet we've ever offered!
Napa Valley’s Diamond Mountain District AVA sits high in the Mayacamas Mountains on the Sonoma County border at the far-northwest end of the valley. Grapes have been planted there for about 150 years but the region was rediscovered with the rise of boutique wineries in the 1970s. Back then, the wines were legendarily coat-your-teeth tannic but over the years winemakers have figured out how to tame that beast and the wines are prized for their flavor backed by power. And high price tags! Wineries like Von Strasser ($75+), Dyer ($95), Davis ($120), Constant ($140), and Diamond Creek ($200+) produce some of the most formidable, full-throttle Cabernets you’d ever want to drink, classy, full-bodied and more rustic (and some would say more interesting) than the Napa wines produced from valley floor fruit. 

So if this is that good, why is it only $40!

Vista is a label based in Napa Valley that helps top-level premium winemakers make their excess wine go away. “Why would they ever want to do that?” you may be wondering. It’s all about economics. Maybe some superstar winery can easily sell 400 cases of their flagship wine at $XXX/btl but would have some difficulty moving that much (or maintaining their premium price) if they had 600 cases. Vista helps these winemakers out of their misery. They buy up the extra wine just before bottling for release under their own label. Nobody ever finds out who actually made it in the first place, but it sells for way less than it would under the original label. Everybody wins, particularly anyone loving classic hillside Napa Cabernet Sauvignon.

The 2017 Vista Diamond Mountain Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon is mouthfillingly rich, a single-vineyard wine giving you sensations of cherries and plums overlaid with lush textures and a long, chocolate/mocha finish that Baskin-Robbins ought to use as their 32nd flavor. It’s a Bordeaux-inspired blend of 81% Cabernet Sauvignon, 13% Merlot, and 6% Petit Verdot and is a bottle to pop and enjoy now or over the next five years, ideally with a steak or rack of lamb just off the grill. In a steakhouse it would probably set your expense account back $150-200 bottle, but because it’s a mystery wine, they let it loose in the world for a mere $40. Limited quantities available, jump on it NOW!
And sticking with our money-saving theme, we present Biagio’s new get ‘em the heck on outta here closeout section!
There comes a time in every wine buyer’s life when it becomes painfully apparent that some of the bottles they thought everyone would love aren’t necessarily gliding off the shelves with alacrity (sometimes it kinda feels like some joker stuck them in the rack with Superglue. Waaaaaah!!!) But hand the buyer some Kleenex and find your way to Biagio’s new corral of closeout wines! Bottles are marked 10%-40% off previous prices. Think of it like you’re helping the Victory Park wine environment by recycling. This near-mortal blow to the buyer’s ego lets you benefit from their overzealous estimation of consumer demand for say, a gorgeous Riesling from British Columbia, killer sparkling rosé from California, or a smoooooove red blend from Portugal. Bottles from Oregon, Australia, and France too! BEER as well, and the lonely orphan wine bottles, the sole survivors on the shelf that just gotta go to make room for new wine. Buy ‘em for a song and take them home and make them feel loved before you drink them up! Have a look at the current inventory on our website, under the Closeout Sale! category, and rest assured that new wines will be added to the pile all the time.Big savings, big fun, have yourself a TIME!!
Legal Disclaimer: This is not a photo of the Biagio Closeout section, but is as enviable an example of wine recycling as I've ever been a party to. (and man, what a party!!!)
BTW, why aren’t you already a member of the Biagio Wine Club?
We were just sitting around thinking that now is a great time to become a member of the Biagio Wine Club, the most interesting wine club in Dallas! (if not the world, baby!!) Sign up and at the beginning of each month you'll pick up a bottle of red and a bottle of white wine accompanied by scads of info and what sort of food to drink them with. It’s only $45/month, and the wines are always worth more than their sub-half a yard tariff!! To wit, August’s red selection was the Vista Cab, so that’s $40 right there, plus the Müller Riesling we chose as the white bottle sells for $18. Plus you get a 10% discount if you reorder the club wines. This is an awesome opportunity to find new favorites and enjoy some extraordinary wines, and save money (while learning yourself something about wine) in the process. For info or to sign up, stop by the shop or give us a call!!
Biagio Wine & Spirits

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